Surjer Hashi Network


Shaila Purvin
Chief Executive Officer, SHN

Shaila Purvin

Chief Executive Officer, SHN

“I am always excited to continue this journey with Surjer Hashi Network (SHN) – a health care social enterprise. I feel proud deep inside to be a part of the ‘SHN way’ that delivers health services with care and in a friendly atmosphere across all clinics.
Over the decades, Sujrer Hashi Clinics have created a significant health impact across Bangladesh, especially in those days when public and private participation in this sector was limited. The network however struggled later in minimizing the huge gap between high expense and low income, a prerequisite to sustain without dependence, in the context of reduced donor funding. Since then SHN has embarked on a challenging journey, having its multiple commitments to provide quality service, give subsidy to the poor and still be financially sustainable. To be successful in this journey, SHN continues to identify priority tasks that are critical to lay a strong foundation for the network.
Thanks to the guidance and strong support of SHN’s governing body and the dedication, strengths, and skills of our employees at the Head Office and across 134 clinics. They have been instrumental in achieving significant progress towards sustainability. A big ‘thank you’ to USAID for being with Surjer Hashi Network with their support either in the form of cost reimbursement over clinic income or milestone-based funding till Nov-2023. These are all blessings in and around SHN.
By staying focused to our mission and by embracing our values of excellence, collaboration, integrity, and ownership, we are confident that one day SHN will sustain and continue to deliver high quality, affordable and customer-focused health services to all. As a leader, I commit to lay down an aspirational path with clear milestones that will take SHN to great heights, while inclusivity will still remain at its core.”